I'm sorry for the long wait. I meant to post the winner Monday morning, but I've been having some trouble with my Internet.
Now on to the good stuff (I'm guessing you're all just skim-reading for this anyway). The winner is Catherine, who said: "Ah those are lovely as simply coin purses, and hilarious as Twilight coin purses...Team Jacob!" Hurray for Catherine! And thanks for thinking they are funny. I smiled at myself a lot as I was making them, especially as I was cutting out Edward's hair and had next to me what looked like a growing stack of miniature Edward toupees. Yes, hilarious. So Catherine, you'll be getting your own Jacob (or Edward, if you change your mind) coin purse in the mail as soon as I can get some packaging and mine and my kidlets' little bums to the post office.

I suppose you want to hear the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob results. Some of you said you were Team Jacob, but asked for Edward if you win so you could pass it along to a friend or relative. Sorry, but I'm counting you as Edwards (Edwardians?). Even so, Edward would have still won. (Though I admit I am biased, as my husband is so much more of an Edward than a Jacob.) The results are...
Team Edward: 63%
Team Jacob: 29% (but still won the coin purse!)
Team Switzerland (nuetral or undecided): 8%
Also, some of you showed some interest in purchasing one of the Twilight coin purses if you didn't win. So... I'm opening up an Etsy shop just for you! Well, I've been intending to do in the future, but I may as well do it now since you've asked. You can find the shop at here. I'm listing the items tonight so if you don't see them right away then don't worry... they will be there soon! I'm going to put up Edward, Jacob and Alice coin purses, and a Bella and an Alice mirror. I'm out of the Bella coin purses for now, but let me know if you're interested in her and I'll try to make some more. Or if you would like Edward or Jacob as a pocket mirror, let me know. I haven't made those yet, but certainly could.
Thanks again, everyone!
Thanks for the giveaway! i didn't win, but i did go and buy items from your shop. i hope they will make my friends christmases happy!
ReplyDeleteI think I might buy my mom an Edward coin purse for Christmas. She'll flip!
ReplyDeletesorry I missed your giveaway, those purses are very cute. I didn't make it around to many blogs as that week was super busy (I am a homeschool mom too, so you know what I mean!)
thanks for visiting my giveaway, sorry you didn't win, another homeschooler won mine - random not rigged I promise!
you had asked me a question about sewing with your son, I have an answer, but it may be long, so can you email me? I can't find your email on your blog or profile. I am shonacole@aol.com
Brittany, thanks for visiting my blog. I may have to get one for my friend anyway . . . she would be thrilled to have an Edward coin purse. I've been resisting her Twilight obsession for years, but she is slooooowly sucking me in ;)