Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snowflakes Roasting on an Open Fire

I know the title doesn't make sense, but that's what keeps popping into my head, so it stays. We have a somewhat-annual tradition of making paper snowflakes and hanging them in our windows. Most of these are made by me, but a few of them were made by my husband or son. Each one truly is unique! I try to mark each snowflake with the artist and year, so I can remember as I look through our growing collection.

(Marito and Monkey One are so cute, aren't they?) The snowflake in the left corner was made by my husband, I believe, in 2005. This was when I showed him how to cut 8-pointed round snowflakes. The closer one was made in 2007 from thick silvery wrapping paper, which was harder to cut, but the effect when the light shines on it was totally worth it. That year I was playing with a more retro look.

This year I only places the snowflakes on the top half of the windows, as Monkey Two just discovered the concept of step stools.

This top left one is a family classic! Again, my husband is the artist. We call it "Casper the Friendly Snowflake." The other one is another 2007 edition. I was playing around with 6 points.

(Our neighbors' funky yards and horses might ruin the effect for you, but to me it's charming)

These are the windows on either side of our door.

Christmas morning 2008. Can you make out the snowflakes in the windows?


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!! All of your snowflakes are so beautiful! Great tradition--I may have to start it with my kids tomorrow. :)

    Man, that snow looks like a nightmare to shovel...glad Monkey One is there to help out!

  2. These are GORGEOUS!! I could never have the patience to do this....

    Merry Christmas, sweet girl----have a great one!

  3. Oh those are AMAZING. I've only ever seen snow in real life once, but man how beautiful! And how gorgeous is your house. I love it!


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