Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giveaway Day!

Thanks for your entries!

Sew, Mama, Sew! is hosting a blessed day of giveaways, and I am participating. This is my first blog giveaway, so I'm quite excited. The giveaway will be open from December 2 until December 6.

It's understandable that my mind has been on Twilight lately, right? My giveaway item is something I made for the New Moon Experience in SLC. It's a zippered coin purse, perfect for stocking-stuffing or for tucking into your own pocket, purse, or hand. I made them in four characters, as you can see in my previous post, but for this giveaway I'm going to have the winner choose either Edward or Jacob.

Edward has bronze-colored hair and white skin stitched with sparkly thread, and Jacob has black hair and that beautiful, dark, Native American skin that I spent my entire adolescence coveting. Both coin purses open and close with a zipper and are lined with fabric that matches their characters (Jacob's reminds me of fur and Edward's is heather gray, like his pea coat).

How to enter: Leave me a comment telling me which character you would like if you win. Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

For a second entry: Just so you don't think I only make Twilight stuff, browse through my blog and/or Flickr photos and comment on something else I've made. Be sure to leave me a comment here letting me you've done so. (By the way, many of my blog and Flickr photos overlap, but there are some older pictures on Flickr that aren't here.) I label/tag all my things, so browsing should be easy.

Since this is my first giveaway I'm going to keep the shipping to the U.S. Maybe next time I'll feel more adventurous and venture into international shipping.

Remember, the giveaway is open until midnight on Sunday, December 6 (but don't worry, I'm flexible with time differences).

One more thing. I still have a few of these coin purses left. If you're not the oh-so-lucky winner (and I hope you are), let me know if you're interested in purchasing one and we can work something out.

Good luck!

♥ Brittany


  1. I'll go with Team Edward. My co-workers LOVE Twilight, so this would be the perfect white elephant gift for our party this year.

  2. Team Edward! My sister in law really loves the Twilight series. She got me to watch both movies and they are definitely entertaining. This is such an original gift and she would LOVE to have something like this! She likes Edward because he's more exciting and dangerous - not a goody good. Plus, she apparently prefers vampires. ha! Thanks!!

  3. I actually like jacob but Edward's pouch is totally awesome...I am at awe at your creations...Love them

  4. My teen would love it if I won, team Edward

  5. Oh, I am so for team Jacob - I feel like a dirty old woman saying this, but he is HOT HOT HOT:)

  6. I would want Edward! These are pretty cute!

  7. Team Edward! Though... after I saw New Moon, I was on the fence! I loved Jacob in the movie, but didn't like him in the books... But since I love Edward all the time, Team Edward. :)

  8. Oh, and here is my giveaway...

  9. LOL! These are hilarious! So well made, too! I would choose Edward. To be honest, I'm not a fan, but I have a friend that would FLIP for one one of these!

  10. Team Edward baby!!

    lol Thanks for the chance to win!

    lianne-nichols at hotmail dot com

  11. I know someone who would love Team Edward!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. OMG those are AWESOME! totally looks like both of them!
    I'm team jacob. I tried not to be throughout everything, but new moon really got to me. :D

  13. I'm Team Jacob for sure!

    If I have commented previously, but not an extra today, does that count?

    megan.nadalet at gmail dot com

  14. I'm glad team Jacob is showing up to win! They are too cute!

  15. I'm going for Team Jacob as well. :) I personally don't have any preference since I haven't read the books or watched the movies, but my best friend (right above me here) said Jacob and this would be a great Christmas present for her! :)

  16. My fellow Utahn! I am in Orem, and let me guess you like western!! I love the little boot booties!!

  17. My friend would LOVE the Edward thing!! In fact I would love for you to do a tutorial!! They would make excellet Christmas gifts!

  18. Team Jacob!! This would be the perfect Christmas gift for my Twilight obsessed friend! Thanks for the fab giveaway!

  19. I am a total team Jacob girl. That being said my sister would swoon over that Edward pouch and I would get kuddos points if I won it for her. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez


  20. I'm Team Edward all the way. And I think if someone from Team Jacob wins your give-away, you should throw away the results and choose again! Shhh! They'll never know!!

  21. Your monkey Halloween costume is adorable!!

  22. Team Edward of course.

    silkaphyllis at

  23. TEAM EDWARD!!! I think the Twilight series gave me unrealistic expectations about men.

  24. Team Edward for sure!!! My teenage daughter would love these coin purses. Very Clever!

  25. Until I saw the movie New Mood I was for team Edward!! I loved their love. But now I am more torn them before, because I love the way Jacob loves Bella, if only she could truly love him back. Okay, enough, Team Edward, because you know if you are on Team Jacob you won't be winning. I made Twilight themed bracelets for my sister and I when we went to see new moon. They are on my blog if you want to check them out!

    PS. Either one would fine for me to win. I think Edward is a a little more mature (being like 90 and all). But that Jacob coin purse is the cutest thing I have seen so I would probably have to take him!

    This is a great giveaway!

  26. team jacob here - how can i consider someone as "cold" as edward. (now i confess i have read none of the books but i have seen the actor who plays jacob and he made my heart beat a bit faster - which isn't necessarily a good thing for an "old" woman.
    i really like your coin purses.

  27. Oh. my! those are awesome! I must confess I am one of those Twilight haters - I barely got through the first book and could only get to page 50 of the second... my sisters though, are HUGE fans. Mari is Team Edward, Joanna is Team Jacob. I am embarrased I know this information about my sisters...

  28. These are amazing! Would choose Edward. Thanks for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net

  29. Team Jacob! Edward's a douche. Besides, I always choose the werewolves.

    I commented on your bird pencil case. It's so pretty!

  30. Team Edward!

    Happy Thursday, :)

  31. On my count, "edward, Edward, EDWARD!"
    Your silhoutted coin purses are amazing!
    I love your creativity--thank you for your giveaway!

  32. I am personally Team Jacob, but my best friend is Team Edward and a total Twi-hard :) So I have to say if I were to win I'd want Edward for her.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  33. Team edward all the way! I have to win this, fingers crossed!!!

  34. Commented on your super adorable toy story costume. Again, super cute!

  35. I know someone who LUVS Edward and I would so give this to her if I won!


  36. I commented on your patriotic tops post. So cute! And your Halloween costumes.... ack! cuteness!


  37. would have to be Edward, grand daughter would love him. But then I would have to buy Bella to.

  38. haha LOVE THESE! I'm just starting to read them, urged by my little sister. She had always been on Team Edward, but Jacob has since stolen her heart! Love this! Great giveaway! Thanks and warmest wishes for Christmas!

  39. Oh, and I loved your halloween's past :) I did something similar on my blog, but showcased my sisters' and my scary eighties costumes! And, I'd love to see your Monkey One's Cowboy quilt! I'll be checking back!!

  40. I tend to lean toward Team Jacob personally, but I'd love to win Team Edward for my tween! Great job on the coin purses.

  41. You are hilarious! New Moon coin pouches! Love it!!! I am on Team Edward, but I do love Jacob! I'd be happy with either one, so I would let you surprise me if I won (and I hope I do!) ;-) Thank you for the opportunity!

  42. I'm browsing your flickr photos right now. I love paper crafts, so that is the first one I went to. I really love the book shelf you decorated. Such a great idea!

  43. You've made a lot of cute stuff! I love the jinglebell cowboy spurs on your little sweetie! The monkey blanket is cute too!

  44. I am Team Jacob but would LOVE to win the Edward one for my friend! :D

  45. ah those are lovely as simply coin purses, and hilarious as Twilight coin purses.
    Team Jacob!

  46. Wow, talk about creative! I am on the Edward team but, book edward because though I like the movies so far books are always soooo much better.


  47. I'm an apron girl gotta go with it.

  48. These are too cool! I would pick the Edward purse. I'm Team Edward if we're talking about the books, but Team Jacob if we're talking about the movies.

    But I'd probably give this to my friend so I'd definitely pick Edward.

  49. Team Jacob.
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    I am a homeschooling mom of 16 years. I have five children from ages 21 months to 21 years.

    I am also having a giveaway; so be sure and stop by my blogs. I have two, one for sewing and one for art. and

    My 9 year old daughter is also having a giveaway on her sewing blog. Hers is

    trudy dot callan at gmail dot com

  50. too wonderful! My niece is SO team edward! i would love to gift this to her. thanks so much for a chance..(im team carlisle myself!)

  51. I am team Jacob all the way I would have chosen Jacob any day of the week and twice on Sunday

  52. I love your Little House on the Prairie Doll Set. I Love the books so much that I named my daughter Laura!

  53. Those are too funny :) I'm neither team...but my mom loves both of them, I think :) :)

  54. These are hilarious. You do make them beautifully though! I will pick Edward. Thank you so much for giving one away. I will definitely show it off.

  55. I looked at your flickr photos and commented on a leather card holder. Thanks for the extra entry. I pick Edward!

  56. I confess I have no attachment to Twilight at all -- haven't read the books, haven't seen the movies, don't plan to. But I think these coin purses are brilliant and beautiful. I'm going to pick Team Edward on behalf of my niece and MAYBE I'll give it to her if I win, but maybe not!

  57. Those are so great--ack, I can't decide! I am Team Jacob in the movies and Team Edward in the book---ahhh--help me! You pick. What? Edward? Okay!

  58. Ohhh, no do I have to choose? I brought 105 kids to see the movie on opening day (I'm a teacher and it was a field trip). We all sported Jacob tatoos I found on etsy. These are SO COOL! My friend says that she is Team Jacob's body with Edward's face. Really, if I won you'd have to pick for me. I love them both.

  59. Hey there girlfriend!

    I'm team Edward, all the way! I know, I know, he doesn't have Jacob's chest but can Jacob top Edward's diamond-shimmering skin? I think not!!

    I'd love to keep his head in my pocket! Wait, that came out wrong..LOL.

  60. Wow, the Fire and Ice coin purse (on Flickr) you made was awesome! What a thoughtful thing to make for rock!

  61. I definitely love Edward! THESE are great! Thanks for the super cool giveaway!

  62. those are super awesome! i love the edward one! do you have any more edwards available for purchase or alice? also looking thru your flickr, holy moly the toy story costumes are awesome, you are definitely talented!

  63. These are too cute! I like the Edward one. :)

  64. you are not too late!!! you are definitely in. but i still appreciate the friendly hello. i would love to be included in your giveaway, also if i am not too late.

  65. What great talent you have in creating such unique and well-made purses. I honestly haven't read the books or seen the movies, but I know my sister LOVES them, when to the midnight showing, and it would be a great surprise to tuck the purse in her Christmas gift. I think she's on Team Edward.

  66. My daughter is team Jacob all the way. All your work is really cool, but I must say your coin purses of silhouettes are just so incredible.

  67. could you email me at jen[at]red-curls[dot]com to give info on purchasing a coin purse for my best friend for christmas.

  68. cute coin purses! whoever won is lucky! thanks so much for stopping by my little space and entering my giveaway!



Thanks for your comments! They make my day!