Saturday, November 28, 2009

In Honor of Thanksgiving

Here are the Native American costumes my kids and I made for homeschool. We used a Simplicity "Historic" pattern for these and costume fabric from JoAnn. I couldn't tell you what tribe they are supposedly representing, but I still think the costumes look cool, regardless. Plus the boys love wearing them.

I had them wear their costumes for Thanksgiving, and took these pictures on our post-feast walk. We've actually had the costumes since early October, but I hadn't gotten a picture of them yet.

It was impossible to get both kids smiling at the same time. It was really bugging me that my oldest little monkey was covering his mouth for the only picture where my little one smiled.

The view here is so pretty. That's Utah Lake and Mt. Timpanogos in the background, on the left.

Monkey One

Monkey Two


  1. These are so darling! You are amazing!!

  2. Gorgeous pics, the costumes look awesome and the view is beautiful too!


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