Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spiced Up Table

I like to keep a vinyl cover on my wooden kitchen table to protect it from a little something I like to call My Kids. I replace the vinyl every couple of years. This time I decided to make it pretty.

I use the heaviest gauge vinyl I can find at JoAnn and tape it down under the lip of the table. I know someone who sews an elastic casing into her vinyl tablecloth, but I find that masking tape works great for me, though it does leave a sticky residue.

I rounded the corners of the fabric and singed the edges to see if it would help it not to fray, but I'm not sure if it worked. I did leave the selvage edge in tact on one side, as you can see. The fabric is home decorator weight. It lays flat pretty well because of its thickness, though I would have used regular quilting cotton if I had found a pattern I liked more.

Lincoln demonstrates how the table looks all set and ready for (me to still make) dinner.

Next time I think I'll try again to find a pattern that's less busy. I like how it at least coordinates with my dishes, though. It brightens up my kitchen quite a bit.